PSHE and Relationships and Health Education
PSHE and Relationships and Health Education
Bryn St Peter’s CE Primary School believes that a strong PSHE education is important to help our pupils develop into well-rounded members of society, who can make a positive contribution to their community. Our PSHE and RSE curriculum is delivered using Heart Smart, a programme that is rooted in Christian Values which equips our children to have a healthy internal dialogue and resilient approach to life. Our PSHE / RSE curriculum is strongly tied to our, relationships, health education and pastoral care programme.
See our Intent, Implementation and Impact document attached.
HeartSmart is a resource to enrich our delivery of PSHE. It's aim is to build resilience, strengthen emotional intelligence and develop active empathy in the hearts of our children. Fundamentally it is about loving and accepting ourselves as well as loving and responding to others.
Click on the link above to watch an introduction to HeartSmart.
Relationship Education - DIAS
Each year group has recently had a lesson from Kerrie from DIAS about what positive relationships are and how we can build and maintain them.
Life Education Caravan
We had lots of fun wth Harold, learning about how to keep our bodies fit and health - even if we weren't in the caravan this year!
HeartSmart Day
During HeartSmart Day we reflected on what we had learned during our topic, 'Don't Forget To Let Love In'.
Some of us created mood masks after talking about feelings. We learned how to recognise other people's feelings by reading their faces and their body language.
Christain Values are at the heart of our school and these decorations helped us to share some of the values we think are most important.
Creating pointilism hearts was fun.