Reception 2024 - 2025
Mrs Riley
Welcome to Reception Class
I am Mrs Riley, Reception class teacher, and I'm really excited to meet my new class and have lots of fun learning together this year. We are joined this year by Mrs Eden and Mrs Hobson as our class Teaching Assistants.
Our School Day
Reception's day runs from 8.50am - 3.15pm. Please stick to these times as we have a prompt start to our day in Reception class and all children engage in activities as soon as they arrive at school.
Lunch is 11.45am until 12.45pm and children can enjoy a school meal or a packed lunch from home. Please ensure that you have signed up to Evolve so that you can order lunches from home as this makes it easier for the children as parents/carers know what they like to eat. Children will also have the opportunity to choose a lunch option each morning if you are unable to do this at home.
Weekly routine
Children will bring a reading book and reading record home with them within the first few weeks of starting school. It is expected that children share their book or read with you at least four times a week, reading should be recorded in the reading diary. Reading books will be changed as often as is necessary but children at this age due tend to enjoy the repetition of reading the same book a number of times. Reading books and records should be sent back into school every day as staff in Reception will read with children regularly.
Children in Reception will have PE/Games on Thursdays and will have an amazing time taking part in Squiggle Wiggle with an outside provider. Children will bring their PE kit into school for children to change into at school. Kit will be kept in school and then sent home every half term holidays. School PE kit is as follows; PE t-shirt, plain navy blue shorts or plain navy blue tracksuit bottoms and children can wear their school jumper or cardigan with black pumps. All PE kit items need to be labelled with your child's name.
Toast will be available every playtime for the children, this can be purchased half termly via School Spider. Children can have milk everyday as part of their snack, this can be organised through the provider 'Cool Milk'. If your child is 4 years old they will receive free milk due to the Government Milk Subsidy Scheme, after your child's fifth birthday you will receive an email from Cool Milk to begin to purchase milk.
Children will be provided with water bottles from school so there is no need to send a water bottle in. These will be cleaned and refilled with clean fresh water each day.
Children's 'wow' moments or aspects of their learning will be recorded on Seesaw. This is a secure online learning journal that families at home will also have access to. You will receive your login details when your child starts school. There are two aspects to Seesaw. The Seesaw class app is for your child to complete home learning and then the Seesaw family app is for parents/carers to view their child's learning.
Other equipment
In Reception class we spend a lot of time outdoors, therefore your child will need a warm, waterproof coat for playing outside and a pair of wellies (wellies can be labelled and kept in school). Please label all items with your child's name, including what they wear and bring into school with them.
Mrs Riley