Special Educational Needs and Disability
At Bryn St Peter's CE Primary School we aim to meet every child’s need to make sure that all of our children achieve to the best of their ability. We strive to ensure that all pupils with Special Educational Needs make the best possible progress in school. As parents/carers there are many questions you may have about what our school is able to do to meet your child’s need when choosing a school for your child. We aim to provide you with as much information as we can, through our website, but should you have any questions about how school will contribute to the Local Authority Local Offer, please contact Mrs Brady (SENCo) in school.
Wigan Council SEND LOCAL OFFER can be found here:
The following abbreviations are used in our SEND report which you can find below:
SEND – Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
SENCo – Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator
TESS – Targeted Education Support Service (Wigan LA Service
CAMHS - Children and Mental Health Service
See our Intent, Implementation and Impact document attached.
We offer a range of interventions for any child who may need additional support.
Read Write Inc 1 to 1 boosters | FreshStart |
Precision Teaching |
Maths Mastery |
Clever Fingers
Lego Therapy