Year 6 2024 - 2025
Mrs Litton
Welcome to Y6 with Mrs Litton and Miss Mychalczuk
Here are some brief details of the routines in Year 6.
The 'Meet the Teacher' presentation is available below for additional information. Just click on the link underneath.
Times of day
The bell will ring at 8.50 so that children can come in and be ready to start the school day at 8.55, and the day will end at 3.15.
Please ensure that your child comes to school every day with their reading book and reading record in their book bag. Please use the reading record to record messages of your child's reading progress at home, including the pages read. Children will also have opportunities to read in school, so there will be messages from school as well as home. Reading records will be checked every day in school to see where children are up to in their books and to see who needs their book changing. Please make sure children are reading at least 4 times a week at home and that each read should last for 25 minutes. When the children complete their book, they will be able to quiz on it in school and we will begin the millionaire word challenge.
Times tables
Everyone has their own login for TT Rockstars. Please spend some time on TT Rockstars as often as you can. The children that spend more time on it become really fast at recalling times table and division facts. Login details are in the front of the reading records. The children can practise all times tables in the garage, they can practise a chosen times table in the jamming session and they can build up their speed for the leader board in the studio.
Thursday is our P.E. afternoon in Y6. Please come to school wearing your P.E. kit.
Water bottles
Water bottles are provided in school and are available to the children all through the day.
Celebration Assembly
Celebration Assembly is on a Friday morning.
Toast and milk is available to order online for the term ahead.
If you have any concerns, please come and speak to me. I am always available before and after school.
Year 6 curriculum
Look at the Y6 Curriculum plan below to see what we will be learning in Year 6 over the academic year.
You will also find the knowledge organisers for this term. They include key vocabulary and key knowledge to support learning.
Finally, take a look at the Keys to Success document to see how you can support topics at home.