Year 4 Class Blog
Date: 11th Sep 2020 @ 8:28pm
Week beginning 7th September, 2020.
This week saw the children settling into their new surroundings and getting stuck into some challenging work.
In English, we've looked at co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions and how they can be used to extend ideas in our sentences. We've also started our first class reading book: The Demon Dentist, which the children are loving!
In Maths, we began looking at Roman Numerals - I'd love it if those of you at home who are reading this could ask your children about their learning this week. I'm sure that they'd love to share the Roman number system with you!
In Science, we began looking at the digestive system and, more specifically, the children began to develop their understanding of the role that each of the basic organs perform.
A huge congratulations goes to Michael for being this week's Superstar; he has shown a growing undrstanding of Romans Numerals and hopefully he can continue to work hard in his lessons.
Isabella is this week's Christian Value winner for 'Friendship' and 'Respect' - she has shown some really kind and thoughful actions whilst working with her peers this week and I just couldn't not hand this to her. A big well done, Izzy!
I'll give a special mention this week to each and every child in our class for the way that they've settled in and the effort that they've given over the last few day - I'm very proud.
A solid start to the year, Year 4 - let's keep it up!
Mr Greaves : )