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Pupil Premium

 The Pupil Premium Strategy 

Pupil eligibility and funding rates 2024 to 2025

This table shows how much pupil premium funding schools and local authorities receive for each eligible child in 2024 to 2025.

Pupil eligibility criteria

Amount of funding for each primary-aged pupil per year

Amount of funding for each secondary-aged pupil per year

Funding is paid to

Pupils who are eligible for free school meals, or have been eligible in the past 6 years




Pupils who have been adopted from care or have left care




Children who are looked after by the local authority



Local authority


It is up to school leaders to decide how to spend the pupil premium.

School leaders are best placed to assess their pupils’ needs and use the funding to improve attainment, drawing on evidence of effective practice.

Evidence suggests that pupil premium spending is most effective when schools use a tiered approach, targeting spending across 3 areas, with a particular focus on teaching.

  1. Teaching

Investing in high-quality teaching, for example:

  • training and professional development for teachers
  • recruitment and retention
  • support for teachers early in their careers
  1. Targeted academic support

Additional support for some pupils focussed on their specific needs, for example:

  • one-to-one tuition
  • small group tuition
  • speech and language therapy
  1. Wider approaches

Support for non-academic issues that impact success in school, such as attendance, behaviour and social and emotional challenges. For example:

  • school breakfast clubs
  • counselling to support emotional health and wellbeing
  • help with the cost of educational trips or visits

At St Bryn Peter’s the headteacher, Julie Alcock, has overall strategic responsibility for this area. She is supported by Sam Harrisopn and Cheryl Brady – Assistant heads.

You can take a look at how the funding has been spent in school and the impact of that spending, in the files below.



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